I ran into an issue running reports after upgrading from ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 to 2012 R2.
When trying to run certain reports, I would receive an error like the following:
I discovered that Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is now enabled for reports in ConfigMgr 2012 R2.
I ran across someones blog post that recommended turning off RBAC Reporting by changing the following string value from 1 to 0 and then restarting the SQL Server Reporting Services service:
At first, the reports were working and I thought that this might be an OK workaround. However, another process kept enabling RBAC Reporting automatically.
I found that the permanent solution to the problem was to change the SSRS service account from Local System to a domain user. I then added the domain user to the Windows Authorization Access Group in Active Directory.
Once this was completed, the ConfigMgr console on the site server was loading the reports and could run them. However, on remote systems, the ConfigMgr console would display “No Items” under the Reports node. I also noticed that when I attempted to browse to the Report Manager URL in IE, I would get prompted 3 times for credentials and then get a blank page. To resolve both of these issues, I performed the following:
1. I created an SPN like the following for the Reporting Services server
setspn -s http/<SSRS ServerName>.<Domain>:80 <SSRS Service Account Name>
2. I modified the rsreportserver.config file on the SSRS server. I removed RsWindowsNegotiate so that only RsWindowsNTLM remained. You might need to add RsWindowsNTLM if it isn’t there already.
3. I restarted the SQL Reporting Services service from the Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
Once I completed these steps, I could load the reports from the remote ConfigMgr server and access the reports via the SSRS website.